British Columbia has incredible helicopter skiing. What sets us apart from the rest however, is an amazing combination of experiences: the skiing / riding, the lodging, the food, this incredible place. And the people here - staff and guests alike.
Our favourite little flying Ferrari - the AS350 B3; call sign "YEO". Gets you to where you're going, and back again, with gusto.
Mandi and Billy Blewett (Owners) and your hosts. Luna (left fur-baby) and Sparrow (right fur-baby) are considered full-time groundskeepers.
Tobin (Guide) was tasked with finding very very old glacier ice for apres cocktail hour. He took the challenge quite seriously.
Our second / backup AS350 B3; call sign "VHP". 2 helicopters is better than 1 helicopter.
Just a short flight from the lodge is a beautiful helicopter-supported hike through the lower dean River canyon. Old growth forest, moss, the smell of the ocean and 5,000 year-old petroglyphs.
Because our lodge is located at around 60 vertical meters above sea level, it is not uncommon to be more or less snow-free. This idyllic little spot is just a short stroll from the lodge.
Our staff work hard... and play hard too, when the opportunity presents itself. Adrien (Baker) absolutely rips on a snowboard...
The Renaissance Couple: Dyllan and Mike. There's nothing these two can't do / fix / create.
Thursday afternoon apres skiing cocktails and food on the beach around the fire.
Ken Bibby (Guide Manager) and Pete Wainwright (Assistant Guide Manager). Bibby has since been convinced to lose this awful moustache; Pete still looks the same.
Sparrow (Assistant Lodge Hand) - she'll give you a toothy smile when you land at the end of a long ski day.
Luna (Consummate Hiking Guide) - she accompanies us on all canyon hikes.
Pete (Guide) does a dramatic reenactment of a grizzly scratching a tree. Yes, those are claw marks.
This valley is home to many creatures. This little fellow was spotted in a tree near the lodge. His favourite pastime? Tormenting the lodge dogs from above.
We get so much snow here... that we use a slightly different measurement scale. It's called "The Billy"; during the pre-season setup in January of 2023, we measured more than 2 Billys on the glaciated run called "Glory Glacier".
Billy and Mandi rigged up to fly 150' underneath the helicopter on a longline as part of our annual rescue training.
Getting married? Renewing vows? You wouldn't be the first couple to get hitched on the top of one our runs. This line is now called "Betrothed".
Gregor... lodge hand, entertainer, ripper skier and definitely his own man.
Dan and Dave (father / son) looking good on the run "Thirsty Swede". 1,000 vertical meters and 6 minutes from the lodge.
Sometimes the stars align. On a reconnaissance mission to explore the far Northern part of the tenure, Bibby (Guiding Manager) and Lara (Tail Guide and Bibby's much better half) celebrate a 1,200 meter first descent - and an exit through a perfect glacial cave to the pickup. (see next image)
Brenn and Bibby (Guides) stoked after confirming that the glacial cave does in fact "go"... see tracks.
Will... The Very General Manager at Great Bear. His job description is vague... but man, can he mix an incredible apres cocktail.
Emma (Massage Therapist) enjoys an apres barbecue on the beach.
Billy (Master of Barbecue) and really really really good looking male model.